As part of the 1199SEIU Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) at Mount Sinai Beth Israel, the LMP’s Workplace and Community Health Program introduced Health Bucks to participants. Health Bucks are vouchers developed and distributed by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene that can be used to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables at all farmers’ markets in the city.


Each DPP cohort took a field trip to the farmers’ market in Union Square to make use of the $14 in Health Bucks that each participant was awarded. The DPP program team hoped that the trip would encourage greater consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables.


Participant feedback reflects the group’s appreciation for the opportunity. “My Health Bucks experience was great since I was able to try a variety of fresh produce that I normally wouldn’t select,” wrote one. Another said: “I was able to purchase vibrant, colorful fresh fruits and vegetables while having great fun shopping with my team! “ Other participants said that visiting the farmers’ market deepened their appreciation for and excitement about making healthier choices while providing them with affordable fresh fruits and vegetables.
For information about the Health Bucks program, visit NYC Health. You can also download a map of NYC farmers’ markets.

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